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About Us
TBpeople is the global network of people affected by TB. Initiated in 2016 and officially registered in 2018, the network is driven by its vision, World Free Of TB, and its mission, Unite People, Defeat TB.

TBpeople Global is among 31 organizations worldwide to receive a Challenge Facility (CFCS) for 2020.

TBpeople are the proud recipient of the Stop TB Partnership's Empowering Community Voices 2019 Award.
The film “Rights…and Wrongs – A Tribute to Dean Lewis”, was made by Rhea Lobo with the support of the Stop TB Partnership. Dean was our member, our colleague, our friend – and he was part of the group working on and spearheading the development of the Declaration. He was a fierce fighter for community, for the rights of people who are disadvantaged, marginalized or criminalized. He played his part – and he played it brilliantly. Now it is our responsibility to continue the fight – and the Declaration of the Rights of People Affected by TB is a tool that will help us in the fight.

Declaration of the Rights of People Affected by TB

Tuberculosis and You