TB and You

The goal of the brochure “TB and You ” is to explain in an easy and digestable way what the TB diagnosis means and to debunk the many myths surrounding the disease. And the fact that the brochure was written by people who have already beaten TB, makes it particularly useful for those who just faced the diagnosis and needs both information and moral support.
The work on the brochure involved many people. The main authors were Paulina Siniatkina, Ksenia Shchenina and Maria Tselovatova. Besides, Paulina — project author and TBpeople’s Chief Artist — made the brochure very lively with her illustrations. A number of TBpeople members contributed to the development of the brochure. Maria Krongauz, literary editor, made sure that both grammar and style of the text were impecable. And the myths section was dealt with by some of the world’s leading experts from the United States, Russia, Ukraine and Moldova, which makes the brochure very scientifically sound.
The brochure would not be possible without the support of the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership. Translations of the brochure into the languages of Eastern Europe and Central Asia were made within the framework of TB-REP project. English version of the brochure was developed with the support from the IFRC.
You can download this brochure in the Publications section