Country Chapters
Transformation as the Key to Development!
Today, we are pleased to announce that the The Union World Conference on Lung Health provided an excellent opportunity to reaffirm our common goals and mission to defeat tuberculosis through the signing of relevant memorandums.

Taking into account the need to strengthen the network’s linkages with the communities on the ground, and being conscious about language limitations, which could prevent many people affected by TB from joining the network, early in 2018 TBpeople started piloting a country representation model. In May 2018, it signed its first Memorandum of Understanding, Co -operation and Representation with a the newly created network, TB PEOPLE UKRAINE.
Presently, country chapters are set up in Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, and Ukraine. TBpeople Global is constantly working to mobilize, institutionalize and strengthen community groups around the world. So, as of February 2023, TBpeople Global is supporting the establishment of community networks in Botswana, Cambodia, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Nepal, and Uganda.