One of the TBpeople’s strategic principles is the spirit of collaboration and partnership. In line with this principle, TBpeople has been building relations with other regional and global community networks, civil society groups and other stakeholders in the fight against TB. Here you can learn more about building a global movement of people affected by TB and establishing a network of country chapters.

Memorandum of Understanding between INPUD and TBPEOPLE
The International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) is a global peer-based organisation that seeks to promote the health and defend the rights of people who use drugs, by challenging stigma, discrimination, and the oppression and criminalisation of people who use drugs and its impact on the drug-using community’s health and rights. TBPEOPLE is the global network of people affected by TB. Started in 2016, the network is driven by its vision, World Free Of TB, and its mission, Unite People, Defeat TB. As organizations built upon the principle of self-representation and self-determination and promoting effective peer-led prevention, treatment, care and support for people who use drugs who are living with and affected by HIV, Viral Hepatitis, TB, TB/HIV and other relevant health issues, INPUD and TBpeople members have interacted with each other on an informal basis in global, regional and national advocacy spaces. This MoU is a mechanism for more formalized and systematic relationships in promotion of stronger and more unified global and regional community-led advocacy responses.
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Memorandum of Understanding Stop TB Partnership Delegation of Communities Affected by TB and TBpeople
The Stop TB Partnership Delegation of Communities Affected by Tuberculosis (hereinafter, the Delegation) and TBpeople, collectively referred to as the Parties, undertake this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that establishes working arrangements and related agreements for TBpeople to serve as the administrative and financial host of the Delegation.
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Memorandum of Understanding between TB EUROPE COALITION and TBPEOPLE
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TBnet_TBpeople Letter
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