At the TBpeople coordination meeting the results of the year and strategic priorities, partnerships and new initiatives for TB control in 2025 were discussed.
Particular attention was paid to the need to strengthen community advocacy, which will be one of the main areas of focus for the year. Using the example of the implemented 33% campaign, which aimed to review the current TB funding in the Global Fund’s diseases split. TBpeople’s latest request to the Global Fund remains unanswered, but the work continues. TBpeople Executive Director Paul Thorn emphasized: “We will continue until our voice is heard. We cannot remain silent when people affected by TB need affordable diagnosis, treatment and support.”
Olya Klymenko, Community Coordinator, presented TBpeople’s strategic priorities for 2025-2027. This period will be a key milestone for the organization as it seeks to strengthen its internal structures and expand its global impact. Olya noted, “This period is our time for growth and change. We must use it to become stronger and more influential.”
Strategic directions include strengthening institutional capacity, scaling up community-led monitoring programs, strengthening partnerships, overcoming stigma, and comprehensive advocacy. The organization plans to develop clear policies and procedures, increase transparency and accountability, conduct research on human rights and gender sensitivity, and strengthen engagement with national governments, international organizations and the private sector. As Olya said, “By consolidating efforts at all levels, we can certainly achieve community engagement in advocating for the change we need, equitable funding for programs, and stronger political leadership to fulfill our commitment to end TB by 2030.”
TBpeople board member Timur Abdullaev presented the outcomes of the Stop TB Partnership board meeting held in Nigeria, a country with a high TB burden. Funding was also the main topic of discussion. The example of Indonesia, which has increased its national TB budget fivefold, inspired participants to be proactive. Timur encouraged national TBpeople chapters to strengthen their work on the ground, emphasizing that every action is important.
During the meeting, the awards of the Art Against Stigma competition were recognized, which were given to CO TBPeopleUkraine, Ani Herna Sari from TBpeople Indonesia and artist and TBpeople activist Paulina Siniatkina. Timur Abdullaev emphasized: “These awards are not only a recognition of our work in the fight against stigma, but also a reminder that there are many challenges ahead.”
Participants also agreed to organize a global advocacy campaign, hold a conference in low-income countries, and develop youth initiatives to raise awareness about TB.
This meeting was made possible by the wholehearted support of Stop TB Partnership and UNOPS through the CFCS Round 12 project.